Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Third Time's the Charm

Okay, hopefully this third post for the day will be a bit more coherent and of some note.

(Which raises the question: is there some alternate universe somewhere where my first two posts for the day survived? Hmm....)

Right now, my NaNoWriMo output is currently logging in 7,300 words-- not much compared to the 50,000 limit. However, I checked the pagination and I'm now up to 23 pages.

Wow. That's the most I've ever written in my life-- barring my thesis and that was only up to 20 pages. Goddamn.

Also, my introduction of a prologue into the story has turned things a bit metaphysical so I'm treading on strange ground at the moment. Will be glad when I can turn my attention back to the story itself again.

Before anything else though, thanks to JP, Dean, Rob and Agnes for adding their inputs to my question earlier on. You people get a mention in the foreword if this thing ever gets published.

Lastly, I got a final warning at my job for being tardy again. Ugh. Time to get more alarm clocks, dammit.

(I can't help it. I don't like sleeping: too many things to do, so little time do it. However, my body has other ideas so-- like trying to suffocate a hamster-- it tries to put down my brain under layers and layers of sleep. But my brain is still running over time so I wake up just as tired.)

Ah well... I promise to post more book reviews by next week. I have Richard Morgan's Altered Carbon waiting in the wings though also I'm looking at other books in my library to review.

(Blame my poor reading speed. I haven't finished the latest batch of books I'm reading ever since I took up the writing thing.)

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