Friday, February 25, 2005

Brain Stall

Fuck, I can't seem to get my brain to work on my writing.

I was supposed to submit a final article on the bloody Boracay Funboard Cup event after I came back but no matter what I do, I can't seem to wrap my brain around it. Considering I have a couple of press releases to write to coincide with our website's new look, I really can't let this go on any further.

But then again, I also can't seem to contribute to JP's latest challenge. Aaarrghh! (Ditto with my other writing. Sucks to be me.)

Easier to blog about it, I suppose.

In other news, SF-prodigy Charlie Stross writes about how to do a fantasy series (courtesy of Jeff Vandermeer.) I like Stross' rules on how to pimp your art without being a whore:

Rule 1: Don't steal from living authors, their ecological niche in the publishing jungle is already occupied. (Alternatively: nobody needs another Robert Jordan.)

Rule 2: Steal from the best. There's no point stealing from the worst.

Rule 3: If you steal an entire outfit from one writer's wardrobe, people will mock you for being imitative. So steal from at least two, and mix thoroughly.

Rule 4: When choosing the themes to pilfer, only pick ones that you, personally, find interesting -- if you pick something boring you'll only have yourself to blame if it's successful and you end up chained to the desk to write more of it for the next decade.

Rule 5: However much you're stealing, make sure it doesn't look stolen. Genre publishing is a beauty show, and originality wins prizes (but not too much originality).

It's true: even with an overly-active imagination, there's no such thing as an original story. It's the way you write it that matters. Good writing is all.

As I've been surfing around the net, there's a particular meme going around that kinda galls me in a self-mocking way (this particular phase of the meme taken from upcoming SF writer John Scalzi): 10 Things I've Done You Probably Haven't.

Why? Well, I've been ruminating about what I've done with my life and so far, I can't seem to think of anything to put in that list. Maybe I'm not remembering properly; either that or my life isn't all that exciting enough.

Huh. I've been blog-surfing too much. Must stop.

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