Monday, April 04, 2005

And All I Can Do is Read a Book to Stay Awake...

Here's a meme grokked from Mark at clickmomukhamo:

Books at my bedside: Right now, it's my priority books-to-read at my night-table which includes...

  1. Ombria in Shadow by Patricia McKillip
  2. One Day the Ice Will Reveal All Its Dead by Clare Dudman
  3. The School of Night by Alan Wall
  4. Phantom Islands of the Atlantic by Donald Johnson

Sorry, no pictures.

I'm currently debating whether to get John Clute's Appleseed, which I saw in Books for Less Pearl Drive. Clute's well-known as a SFF critic and scholar coupled with his regular column Excessive Candour at Scifi Weekly. However, what's not as well-known was that he wrote a science-fiction novel. Let's see how he does...

You’re stuck inside Fahrenheit 451, which book do you want to be? Not that I advocate book burning. But if you're going to do it, do it right. In which case, I'd be Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code. Burn, motherfucker, burn!

Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? Nup. I have a vivid imagination but not for people.

The last book you’ve bought is: The Swords of Night and Day by David Gemmell

The last book you’ve read: Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell by Susannah Clarke.

What are you currently reading? The same Phantom Islands (my non-fiction bent), Viriconium by M. John Harrison (taking a long time but rich with things to ponder), Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino (highly recommended by JP), and Leviathan 3 (for some short fiction).

Five books you would take to a deserted island: Mervyn Peake's opus Gormenghast (if you're going to go gothic, why not on a deserted island, right?); Harlan Ellison's The Essential Ellison: A 50 Year Retrospective (a massive tome that, at its size, will double as a weapon); Evangeline Walton's Mabinogion Tetralogy (another big book that can serve as a pillow); either a complete collection of Ernest Hemingway's short stories or William Shakespeare's works (if I'm on a deserted island in the Mediterranean, I'll take Hemingway, if not, Shakespeare); and the Bible (my first book of adventure/ mystery/ horror/ drama, I swear).

And like Mark, I need lots and lots of writing material.

Who will you pass this quiz to? Anyone who hangs around here. Hey, if you didn't like books, then you'd probably find most of my stuff boring, right? *winks*

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