In Media Res: Conspiracy #1

There is a Suman Latik conspiracy, borne by Jonas and Clair and lead by Dean.
Look at it: this Filipino delicacy looks icky, like something straight out of a B-horror movie. You have to wonder whoever thought of making this syrupy sweet stuff up.
But that's not my problem. All I have to do is create a 15-minute story involving suman latik...
...You gotta be kidding me.
Dear Helen,
Love, I'm sorry for not writing too you more often. But as the security leader here in SUMAN LATIK I'm not supposed to be even talking to you about my job. As it is, I'm wonderning if the military and the scientists of the National Institute of SUMAN LATIK know about my letters to you.
Right now, the scientists are having us run some tests out in the rain on the hillsides. Remember Lt. Jomo? He kind of fell while carrying SUMAN LATIK so he's been relegated to injury status in the dorms. That leaves only thirteen of us to do SUMAN LATIK while the scientists run their experimental machines.
I don't really know what we are doing here. The scientists have these strange machines that are always running on full power and it's really SUMAN LATIK that we can't even sleep properly. A friendly scientist, Dr. Emo, told me that it's for the SUMAN LATIK of our country. But doing what, I don't know except that maybe it will be SUMAN LATIK?
Haha I had to laugh at your stories about Boyet. How is our son? I'm really sorry for missing his last SUMAN LATIK but Maj. Efren told me they couldn't grant SUMAN LATIK status yet. He had SUMAN LATIK while doing the SUMAN LATIK yesterday so I'm not sorry. Even Sgt. Ayen denied any hand in the matter.
Anyway, SUMAN LATIK is SUMAN LATIK such that a number of the scientists are falling SUMAN LATIK. SUMAN LATIK didn't matter SUMAN LATIK SUMAN LATIK but I told that SUMAN LATIK. Can you believe that?
Ah. Finally, the scientists have decided to turn off the machines for the night. Anyway, I must go. I love you so much. And Boyet too.
Your husband,
Hehe. Where else can I write suman latik over and over in a story? Only in speculative-fiction, baby.
For more suman latik goodness, check out the conspirators in the Suman Latik Web Ring.

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