Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Hopeless but not Wordless

Inquirer editor John Nery writes about being snide (a general affliction for those who blog):

But in her Idol coverage, De Moraes sounded as though she were overwhelmed by the media juggernaut that is the Idol franchise. She wrote as a critic who had the duty to write about something she may consider not worth watching at all, but who felt powerless to stop the audience from watching.

That's when it struck me: Perhaps snide is the language of the informed but powerless.

Or as he concludes: "Ridicule as the last refuge of the out-of-the-loop; I am not comfortable with this turn in the road I've been led to. But that's where I am, for the moment."

So if ever I become a bit hard on the Da Vinci Code crowd (or whatever book out there that's the latest hot thing), pardonnez-moi.

Or maybe not.

(Here's one link and another link.)

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