Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Stupidity, Meet Mediocrity

Was listening to the news while driving to work and I heard this discussion between two radio commentators about a news report on the upcoming The Da Vinci Code movie.

According to the news report, it seems that a top government official called for the banning of the movie to be shown in the country. Though he admitted that the movie-- and the book-- was fictional, the said official said it would be a bad idea to show a movie here.

Of course the radio commentators disagreed. In particular, the female commentator admitted she was biased for the movie because-- and I quote-- she enjoyed reading the book so much that she managed to finish it in eleven days. Moreover, she said she wanted to watch the movie because she wanted to feel the same excitement she felt while reading the said book.

Arrrgh. This is so wrong in so many levels.

*post interrupted as the banzai cat gibbers itself into frustrated non-existence*

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