Friday, January 07, 2011

Why I Blog

From my stats for the week:

Total ....................... 26,966
Average per Day .................. 1
Average Visit Length .......... 0:00
This Week ........................ 5

I know I don't blog as much as I used to do before due to my current workload, so I suppose I was expecting this. (No excuses!)

Still, I like my little soapbox where I can tell whoever is out there listening in the Internet-verse about what books were cool reading and what books sucked. And unlike before, in the pre-Facebook days where nobody is going to tell you that they 'like' what you just said or did on your social network page, you generally have no idea at all if there's anyone really listening when you write on your blog.

So yeah, it's okay. I'm cool with that. *grin*


Dom Cimafranca said...

Still here ;-)

banzai cat said...

@dom: we're old skool! :-D