Monday, January 23, 2006

I'm Not the Weirdo Like You Are

(Also known as the first meme of the year, not counting the New Year memes.

Also known as the blog-posts-that-will-not-die-- like jokes that are constantly passed around, chain letters, and last-song syndromes, these things eventually gain lives of their own. Akin to the AIs that have since been born in the World Wide Web since the advent of the internet and are now swimming in oceans of data like giant leviathans.

And yes, I still think I'm not the weirdo like you are. *wink*)

Because Mahesh asked...

The Rules: The first player of this game starts with the topic "five weird habits" and people who get tagged need to write an entry about their five weird habits as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next five people to be tagged and link to their web journals. Don't forget to leave a comment in their blog or journal that says "You have been tagged" (assuming they take comments) and tell them to read yours.

(1) I believe in the power of luck. If I think a certain object is lucky (or unlucky), I'll keep it within my person (or discard it if so). This can apply to anything: I once liked listening to Elvis Costello's song, "God give me strength" but everytime I did so, something kept happening in a bad luck sort of way. So I stopped listening to the song and avoid it to any extent.

(2) Despite smoking a lot, I can't stand the taste of cigarettes. I cannot smoke without something to take away the taste.

(3) I cannot stand being with anyone while looking for books at a bookstore. Book-searching is a personal quest and it annoys me when I have to talk while looking for the latest book gem.

(4) Shit is a personal disgust of mine: I can't even stand it when I'm taking a dump. (Okay, way too much information, I know.)

(5) I find the sexiest part of a woman's body is her back, i.e. the curve of the spine.

I also believe that the world is flat, that the tooth fairy is actually a Lovecraftian god, and that the bloggers I interact with are really AIs on the internet. I also... What? Is my internet time over? But I still have five minutes! Wait let me finish... Wait? Why do I have to wear the jacket? I'm not due to be back in solitary... Wait! Wait...


(Those tagged by this meme include: anansi girl, livewire, mysfit/jenn see, charles, and luke. )

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