Monday, June 05, 2006

"Captain, The Engine Canna Take It Any Longer!"

Okay, I have a lousy Scottish accent but I'm sure most of you people know where that quote comes from.

Right now I'm starting to groove on my latest template. Still, it could be better as I actually liked the three-column template of my last temporary look. I tried looking for one that had the same but no such luck. Am wondering now if I send an email to the people who created this template, they'd tell me how to add an extra (left) column to it? Ah well...

Also, thanks to charles who passed by the office and explained certain things about the template source. For one thing, he told me that my last template had problems at the source-- its bandwidth had exceeded its limit-- which is why my blog lost the template. Hell, even my friend Jay who got his new template from the same place I did had the same problems with his blog.

This is all too bad because I really liked the black template. Back to black-text-on-white-background for me, I guess.

charles likewise helped me figure out how to re-install the Haloscan comment system. However, I'm now torn between going back to that or using the Blogger comment function. Both has its uses; unfortunately, I find it redundant if I have both running at the same time. Any suggestions which is a better bet?

Anyway, as of this moment, it's full speed ahead!


Andrew said...

I'm not sure why, but I personally like the Blogger comment system rather than Haloscan's...

banzai cat said...

Hmmm... coming from you as a livejournalista, that's significant. Is it the security or the delete function of the blogger comment system?

Anonymous said...

the layout looks better..

banzai cat said...

Thanks bing! :-)