Tuesday, June 27, 2006

The Red, Red Robin Has Flown Away

Good grief.

Late as I am in getting around the blogoverse, I just found out that the lovely jenn see of the fish triumvirate has passed away. My condolences to her family and friends, especially to mysfit and oldben.

I don't remember when jenn first passed by this way electronically (so far off from the beaten track I think). However, the thing I do remember about her was how she described herself looking like WitchHunter Robin in her blog-- and then she showed a picture of herself with the same 'locks as the anime character. I had to laugh then.

(It's so surreal: how do you express your sympathies halfway across the world to people who you've only met thru the Internet-- for someone who you've only known thru her writings online? But still, there's a queer feeling of loss despite the fact that I barely knew her.)

Someone mentioned how ironic jenn's last paragraph of her last post was. Looking at it, I thought the same as much... but I also thought that's so very jenn of her:

so i will spend the next few days reveling in the past & in memories, collecting myself in the present, & looking to the future...which promises many new things & much Change, along with all that comes with these things.

Cheers, jenn. I'm glad I got to know you if only for a small time and only through this tiny window to the wide universe called the Internet.


Mahesh Raj Mohan said...

Oh no. :-( I only knew her from her comments on your blog, but she had become a 'familiar presence.' So tragic that such a vibrant life was cut short like that...

Condolences to her family and loved ones indeed....

banzai cat said...

I know. Some voices are snuffed out forever. *sigh*