Monday, February 15, 2010

Apocalypse Finally!

At last Fully-Booked is finally pushing through with the long-awaited Third Philippine Graphic/Fiction Awards. Unfortunately, they probably had to wait for Neil Gaiman to swing by this country hence the rather long period since the end of submissions in 2008.

I'm not sure what the title of the book that's that's going to be launched. The Second Philippine Graphic/Fiction Awards in 2007 was called Book of Dreams but the book launched then was called 'Expeditions.' That book printed the winners of the First Philippine Graphic/Fiction Awards in 2006 with the the awards night called Unmasked.

Likewise, I see it's going to be held at the Rockwell Tent again instead of outside the Fully-Booked in Fort Bonifacio. Does that mean they're not expecting too many people this time?

(Yes, my story "Logovore" will finally be published in print form though Fantasy Magazine will be its first electronic home.)

Edited to add: Here's the short list of the prose, comics and short film entries for the contest. Some familiar names here, including Elyss Punsalan, Dean Francis Alfar, Michael A.R. Co, Dominique Gerald Cimafranca, Karl "M.F." De Mesa and Kenneth "Kyu" Yu (for prose) and Khavn Dela Cruz (for film).

I'm especially amused by Khavn's entry "Blackworms" being shortlisted given that I wrote that concept piece (a kind of 15-minute exercise in itself) after I had to be reminded. Gah! And no, I still can't write a screenplay to save my life.

For those who want to watch that movie, you can see it here. It's actually appropriate as Khavn wanted me to write about Lyta Hall so those who know her story in the context of the Sandman books can take it from there.

Congrats people!

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